Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Most Happiest Elephant in the World" Video. So. Cute.

Video of Elephant Frolicking in Ocean... click to watch

Not much to say other than... wow.  So amazing and cute and just like a kid.  Or a kid at heart.  :-)

Oh, and I want to go to a warm ocean right now reallllllllly bad.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All in Good Pun

This is my future book title:


No, seriously.

Derwyn and I LooooOOOOooOOOOOove to make puns.  And it's rubbed off on the children, bless their souls.  They come up with some good/bad ones.  Makes me so proud.  :-)  And so, one day I shall compose a book with the above title.  Or perhaps just a fun piece of music.  A comical musical duet.  Something or other shall have this title, I do declare on this 19th day of February, 2013.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Portland Cello Project
Sisters High School

Not the *bestest* picture of the Portland Cello Project that was ever taken... but I wanted to remember this night.  "Severus Snape" was awesome (Skip vonKuske is his real name, but wow he looked like Snape last night with his wild long Snape-like hair trashing about).  :-)   The most amazing cellist I've ever seen.  I know Yo-Yo Ma is the best on earth and all that... but seriously... this dude is freakin' amazing.

Click here for awesome video of Portland Cello Project playing All of the Lights by... Kanye West...?!?!?!?!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Gift

This was one of the presents I gave to my Wonder-Husband for Valentine's Day.  It's a canvas art piece.  It's accurate in describing our lives, love, relationship, days, nights.  Thank You, God!


February 15, 2013.  And we have sproutage!  Sprouting!  Sprouts!  I have recently (very recently) turned over a new leaf, so to speak.  Grown a green thumb, as a matter of fact.  Where I used to kill plants with some frequency, I am now suddenly helping them thrive.  What is the explanation???  Well, perhaps it's twofold:  1. It's very bleak and brown outside, so my spirit is craving GREEN-ness.  And I'm figuring out what it takes to make that happen.   2. I'm not on that evil time vortex Facebook (a.k.a. Fakebook) much at all these days (yeahhhhh me!) and so I have TIME to do REAL THINGS in the ACTUAL PHYSICAL WORLD.  What a concept.  :-)