Friday, February 15, 2013


February 15, 2013.  And we have sproutage!  Sprouting!  Sprouts!  I have recently (very recently) turned over a new leaf, so to speak.  Grown a green thumb, as a matter of fact.  Where I used to kill plants with some frequency, I am now suddenly helping them thrive.  What is the explanation???  Well, perhaps it's twofold:  1. It's very bleak and brown outside, so my spirit is craving GREEN-ness.  And I'm figuring out what it takes to make that happen.   2. I'm not on that evil time vortex Facebook (a.k.a. Fakebook) much at all these days (yeahhhhh me!) and so I have TIME to do REAL THINGS in the ACTUAL PHYSICAL WORLD.  What a concept.  :-)

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