Friday, November 7, 2014

Demi Glace Sauce with Beef (kind of, only simpler) and SO yummy

Made my own version of demi glace tonight because the stuff my amazing hubby brought home from the gourmet food store had very, very tiny writing that stated that it contained wheat... the awful, sickness producing WHEAT.  So... here is what I did to make the most amazing sauce this side of Paris:

We cooked filet mignon with just salt and pepper, then removed the steaks to the oven to finish off.  I added red wine (Menage a Trois) to the pan drippings and reduced it to a syrup over medium heat. Then, I melted about two tablespoons of butter in the pan, then I added about two tablespoons of tomato sauce.  I also put in about five drops of worchestershire sauce.  Finally, I added about three tablespoons of goat cheese and then more pan drippings from the steaks that had cooked further in the oven and a little bit of olive oil to thin out the sauce. Served it over the filets.  Wow.
 Disclaimer: this is not my demi glace.  This is a picture
I found on the 'net. We were far too busy eating and exclaiming 
"OH MY GOSH" to stop
and take a picture.  :-)

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